Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hair Dryers and Water: They Don't Mix

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all the things we’re thankful for. There are many for me. But the most recent addition is that silly little picture they put on hairdryers to warn people not to use them near water.

This morning I had to soak my feet in warm water for 30 minutes. (Due to a very sore/black toenail I received during our last backpacking trip.) Standing still for half an hour is a challenge for someone who struggles just to have a sit-down-dinner. So I decided to soak my feet in a huge bucket while I stood at my bathroom sink eating breakfast and getting ready for work.

This worked fine until I pulled out the hair dryer and plugged it in. Before I could hit the switch, an image of a stick figure standing in a tub of water, shaking violently and holding a hairdryer to her head flashed through my mind. She had frazzeled hair that stood out in all directions and was waving one arm in distress.

I’ve always wondered who comes up with these morbid images and puts them on appliances. And what crazed person would dry their hair while standing in a tub of water anyway? Now I know. Never again.

1 comment:

Chris Winkler said...

Are there photos of the incident, or at least the ramifications? :-)