Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Trusting Jesus

Looking at the state of US economics lately, should cause us to reflect on a simple old truth:

-Trust in Jesus-

While oil hits 143$ per barrel and Wall St. continues to turn downward.
Christians everywhere should turn our eyes upward towards Jesus Christ.

Why trust Jesus?

Jesus is our refuge.
Jesus is our salvation from sin.
Jesus words speak truth.
Jesus sent His Spirit to guide and lead us.
Jesus sacrificially loves us, (demonstrated by His death on the cross).
Jesus asks us to follow Him.
His burden is easy.
His load is light.
In Jesus is no sin.
In Jesus is mercy.
In Jesus is grace.
He is the Good Shepherd.
He is our cornerstone.
Jesus speaks of Heaven, and He provides us a way to get there.
Jesus will never lie to us.

Today I was reflecting on the problems of the world, and thinking about the Christians who struggled through the Civil War in the 1860's or the Revolutionary War with Britain. World War II also claimed many lives and was a trying time for our country.

One thing we have in common with early Americans is that we have God's Word and we have the option to trust in Jesus for our daily living.

Are you trusting in Him today?


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