Our normally busy street is now filled with sand-baggers and teenagers wading in knee-deep water. The amazing part of it all is the attitude of the Thai people. Men are pushing motor bikes down the street bowing at each other as they pass. Women carrying their children through knee deep water holding their babies and smiling as if they were out to smell the roses. Meanwhile small trees are
floating downstream. There is no yelling, no rushing, and no sign of distress. I wouldn’t know a Thai curse word if I heard, it but if there’s rude words being exchanged they are done so with the most gentle attitude I’ve ever seen.
I realize that I have much to learn from the Thai culture. If it was my car, my house, or my store, I may not be so quick to blow it off with a smile. Life is short and possessions are ultimately meaningless. I’m thankful for God’s provision today, but also thankful for the Thai people who are teaching us to let go of materialism.